Aquarium Heating & Lighting
One of the most common questions regarding fish tanks is if heating and lighting are essential in Fishtank. Do fish tanks need light? Or is the fish tank heater effective? Well, let us give a chance to explain. Lighting and heating to a certain extent is a crucial aspect in increasing your pet fish’s life. There are certain species of fish that require light for 12 hours a day. For example, a goldfish needs at least 9 hours – 12 hours of the morning in a day. Lack of sunlight can decolorize its skin.
Similarly, heating is also important for fish tanks. Some fishes can survive in cold water, while others may not be able to cope. Heating fixtures in the aquarium help the tank to regulate its temperature. The heating system allows the temperature to stay steady and not drop. Likewise, Aquarium lights also keep the fish alert and provide them with their required need. However, make sure to turn off your fish aquarium lights at night. Fishes need a dark environment to relax and sleep. If all questions are answered, and you are looking for heating and lighting supplies, sign up with birdiology and get what you need.
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